❣❣ Review ❣❣ Hush: Pandora’s Box, #2 by Liza James

Hush (Pandora's Box Book 2) by [Liza James]

5 stars

Pandora’s Box, #2
by Liza James

“We’re flames, from two separate fires exploding with the same oxygen. Uniting. Growing. Burning. Blazing”

This one is a little darker, The Nation is back, a ton of secrets, and with this being enemies to lovers it just gives it a whole new element.

K and Lyps were childhood best friends, they were inseparable until one night K betrays her in a way she can not move past or understand.
Fast forward to adulthood and they both work at the same club, the hatred between these two is electric, as is the love that you watch them fight against daily with this push and pull nature.

When The Nation turns back up and demands Lyp take her sister’s place, she doesn’t see any other way besides sacrificing herself to keep everyone she knows safe, especially K, from them.

Just like with Vibe, Liza does not hold anything back in this one, I actually think she delves deeper into the toxic darkness that is these ladies’ lives.
Even those in the most darkest and toxic places deserve happiness and Liza makes sure that they get there, even if they need to go through hell first.

I am completely speechless and had to re-write this a few times as I had a million spoilers, much like after reading Vibe, so I am just going to leave it here with Liza, I freakin adore you and your brain. And to anyone who isn’t sure about this one, just jump in, you won’t regret it.

~Purchase Links~
Kylie 2

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